Bath Tea (Salts) "Fresh Snow"

Bath Tea (Salts) "Fresh Snow"
Did you know, ladies, that Epsom Salts baths have long been known for their soothing and moisturizing properties? 🌿
My novelty handmade bath salt recipe contains a rich skin-care ingredients such as :
Epsom salts, Champagne extract, Sweet almond oil .
You have a SPA Salon near at hand!!!)👍🏻
☝️Sweet almond oil , are rich in fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamin E, leaving the skin very hydrated.
Epsom salts crystals,
Sea salt ,
Sodium Bicarbonate,
Citric Asid ,
Sweet almond oil ,
Champagne extract,
Polysorbate 80,
Rose petals,
Japanese Cherry Blossom ,Lemongrass ,Rose Absolute fragrance oils.
Arctic White Sparkle Mica.
add a few tablespoons (3-4) of the salt mixture directly to the hot bath water.
It can also be used as a body scrub.🌿